Project Structure
- atomic-docs/
- atomic-core/
- atomic-db/
- components/
- css/
- scss/
- .htaccess
- index.php
- atomic-head.php
- atomic-foot.php
- atomic-docs/
- The root project directory. Change to whatever the name of your project is.
- atomic-core/
- The directory that holds the atomic-docs application logic. (I'm stricly a front-end programmer, view my janky backend code at your own risk)
- atomic-db/
- The flat file database that stores the information for your components, categories and settings.
- components/
- This directory holds the component files where you will be authoring your html. For example, if you create a component named "box", you would find box.html in this directory.
- css/
- Nothing fancy here. Just the usual css directory that your sass/less files will be preprocessed into.
- scss/
- The scss directory where you author the styles for your components. For example, if you create a component named "box", you would find _box.scss in this directory. You can change this directory name to whatever you want. Just make sure to update the name in the config.php file.
- .htaccss
- Used to turn output_buffering to on to solve error issues in osx. Need to find a better solution, this works for now however.
- config.php
- Change certain defaults here. You can change the component extension from .php to .html or .mustache or whatever you'd like.
- index.php
- Your projects index file.
- atomic-head.php
- Any code you want shared between the head section of the styleguide and your project's head. Google font links etc...
- atomic-foot.php
- Any code you want shared between the footer of your styleguide and your project's footer. Additional scripts that aren't js/main.js etc...